Monday, September 3, 2012

Sick Day Part 1

Blogging. I had to really think about this. I have gotten over Facebook as a place to express myself and twitter is like talking to yourself. Talking to yourself in short spurts at that. I guess blogging is the same but I don't have to be bombarded with a twitter feed full of people trying to become famous, like they are handed out reality tv shows based upon awesome tweets. Facebook is so...touchy and personal. Pictures of babies and my own child, everyone sharing happy times...not the best place to vent without offending someone. And it's really hard to mention any negative feelings with a picture of your kid as your profile. So blogging it is. Yes, the name is fake. I work for a very public agency, my husband is a public figure so anonymity is necessary. And as much as I would love keep a journal, my husband reads them. Reads them and tells me about reading them. I lack privacy.

Today is Labor Day. I am home sick. Not terribly sick. A low grade fever, a sore throat and some congestion. My little one has a monstrous cough and a runny nose which she is too little blow.

I watched Julie and Julia for the first time on VH1. (another inspiration to blog). Hubs brought me soup during his lunch break and more meds for our little one. You will see my feelings for my marital status fluctuate frequently..just a warning.mtheres lots of reasoning behind that but it's something I have to make a conscious effort to work on.

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